"Using Online Recommendation Agents: Effect of Consumer Participation on Satisfaction, Trust, and Purchase Intentions"

Abstract: Online product recommendation agents (RAs) are gaining greater strategic importance as a critical touch-point between marketers and consumers. Yet, the role of consumer participation in using RAs has not been examined. This study shows that greater consumer participation in using an RA leads to more satisfaction, greater trust, and higher purchase intentions, related to the RA and its recommendations. In contrast, the financial risk (associated with the product under consideration) reduces satisfaction, trust, and purchase intentions, but it also moderates the effect of consumer participation on these same variables. The findings extend the literature and suggest actionable implications for marketing strategy.

First Author:   Pratibha A. Dabholkar  

(Email: pratibha@love-and-learning.info)


Source: The Service Industries Journal, 2013, 33 (5), 1433-1449.

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